The Thrifty Nickel Finds You Help!

If you’re looking for the perfect addition to your business family, the Thrifty Nickel sure can help! We have a vast employment section on our website,, where you can post all of your HELP WANTED needs.

Perhaps you need someone to mow your lawn a few days a week. The Thrifty Nickel gets your needs to the public. Surely, MaryAnn a couple roads over will see your ad and send her son Bobby right over for an honest day’s work of lawn mowing. Offer a price in our paper directly to entice candidates or leave the compensation more open ended, to be discussed when services are rendered.

Maybe you don’t need a service, rather, you need work. You too should check out the Thrifty Nickel online! Looking for a new job?

Try this one, an ad in our Classifieds this week:

DEPENDABLE FLEXIBLE STYLIST NEEDED Are you ready for a fresh start with new opportunities? Paid weekly. Excellent pay with opportunity for advancement. One week vacation after six months of employment. Paid Holidays. Sale commission on retail products. Promotion and contests. Advance education provided. Apply at 2275 Linda Ave. 432-332-3009.

Are you a qualified professional seeking a move, contemplating a serious life change? Try this on for size:

REAGAN HOSPITAL District is now accepting applications for a full time Radiology Technician. Qualifications include an Associate Degree in Radiology and current ARRT registration. CT experience is preferred, ultrasound experience a plus. Duties include ER, inpatient, and outpatient procedures. We offer flexible scheduling, oncall compensation, and an excellent compensation package commensurate with experience. Please contact Amy Wireman in the Administration Office at 805 N. Main, Big Lake Texas 76932, 325-884-2561 Ext. 736 or email for a full position description, to obtain an application, or to submit a resume.

Unbelievably, since the advent of classified ads, the Help Wanted section has been the fastest growing and the most enduring branch of the advertising tree. In Sara Bader’s marvelous history on classifieds, Strange Red Cow, which gets mentioned a fair deal on this blog due to it’s impressive compilation of vintage ads, Bader reprints some amazing Help Wanted ads she found. See if they sound similar to the ones you can find today in the Thrifty Nickel.

“A FIRST-CLASS CARPENTER wanted, of about 25 years of age, having some experience with wood-working machinery; must be an American, of American parentage, a Protestant, and a graduate of public school; must be naturally handy with a pen, quick and correct at figures; a good opportunity and a permanent position for a bright, active young man of the right sort. Address, starting particulars, E.B.J., Boston Transcript. — June 23, 1897, Boston Evening Transcript” (Bader 137)

While the qualifications for hiring appear more stilted and based on birth than talent, it was 1897, and otherwise sounds much like today’s ads.

Here’s one from a woman seeking employment:

“NO ONE seems to want a nurse who is 50 years old. I’ve 24 yrs.’ experience in all kinds nursing, can cook, keep house, drive a car, make quilts, knit — yes, milk cows and make butter. I’m discouraged…because I know there’s “lots of life in this old gal yet.” JF411 — February 1940, Yankee (Dublin, New Hampshire).” (Bader 138)

Go on over to, peruse our employment listings for your dream jobs or place the perfect ad to attract your dream employee!

Thrifty Nickel Classifieds Presents Lost and Found!

Thrifty Nickel Classifieds added a Lost and Found section to their incredibly convenient online web service over at!

Have you misplaced your textbook? Perhaps left it on a table at McDonald’s when you were studying over a Big Mac and fries? Maybe sat it down on the seat next to you in the bus and forgot all about its existence? Place a notice in the Thrifty Nickel online! Perhaps a good samaritan picked up your quantum physics text, they would love to return it. We all know how expensive text books can be.

Did your pup fly the coop? Your chicken get out of the dog house? Search for them through the Thrifty Nickel Classifieds online. Throw out a wider net for your lost animals. Utilize the eyes of all who read the Thrifty Nickel. Place a lost and found ad today!

People lose things everyday. Some lucky people find things everyday. The Thrifty Nickel online provides a platform for exchange between the unlucky losers and the mysterious finders. For centuries the lost and found ad has resided in classified newspapers providing future generations with a survey of humanity through the remaining archives.

In Sara Bader’s fabulous book Strange Red Cow Bader compiles some of these fascinating lost and founds. While not all losts have a found, the ones that do instill within the reader the amazing sense of honesty and community that did and still does exist.

For example this lost ad was responded to within two weeks of placement:

“LOST, yesterday between the meeting-house in Worcester, and the road lading to Hardwick, a pair of SADDLE BAGS, containing a Cheese, some pulled Sheeps Wool, a number of Apples, a stripped small Apron, and a small pair of blue Stockings. Whoever has found the same, and will leave them at the Printing-Office in Worcester, or deliver them to me in Hardwick, shall be handsomely rewarded by JOSEPH BERNARD. Decem. 24th. — December 25, 1777, Massachusetts Spy or, American Oracle of Liberty

FOUND last week, a pair of SADDLE-BAGS, containing a number of Apples, and other valuable eatables &c. Enquire at Mrs. Jones’s inn-holder, Worcester. — January 1, 1778, Massachusetts Spy or, American Oracle of Liberty” (Bader 10).

Go on over to, click Place and Ad, then click the Lost and Found tab. It really could not be easier to recover your belongings online than with the Thrifty Nickel. $5.75 for the first ten words, .40 cents per each additional word. One picture free with each ad!  And because we love you and appreciate your business, we offer you a second week free when you place your ad online at!

Make sure your lost items are found! Place an announcement in our classifieds and restore your faith in humanity!

Classifieds: A Staple Through The Papers of Time


Classifieds first appeared in the pages of the Boston News-Letter circa 1704. Residents of the city would place ads for sought items, lost things, found objects, for sale properties, services. A good majority of early classified ads ran on the barter system rather than monetary compensation. From Boston, the idea of classifieds spread like, well, a paper fire.

While this form of marketing clearly became an enduring form for present times, it also provides a beautiful time capsule for future generations, showcasing the needs, wants and desires of the time.

Researcher Sara Bader authored a book Strange Red Cow: and Other Curious Classified Ads from the Past wherein she explores some revealing, peculiar antique classifieds.

In an interview on NPR, Bader revealed some of her favorite advertising oddities unearthed in her archival exploration.

Here’s an example from Bader’s book illustrating the bartering that occurred in early classifieds:

Dated September 2, 1948 from The Levittown Tribune:
‘ Will swap my .410 shotgun with box of buck shells for picnic table or lawn chair. Call Hicksville 5-4631. ‘

A strange, but practical trade.

Personals were also something created long before the Internet Missed Connection sites. Apparently back then, personals were… well, slightly more personal:

`Mae Minnie: Farewell, cruel girl. If not drafted, I will go as a substitute. Your scorn is harder and more pitiless to me than any Southern bullet could possibly be. John number one(ph).’

Harsh, Mae Minnie. And immortalized in microfiched classifieds for all of eternity.

The ad that inspired Bader to pen such a fascinating novel was, obviously enough, about a Strange Red Cow.

`Came to my plantation in Springfield Township, Philadelphia County, near Flourtown, the 26th of March, 1776, a strange red cow. The owner may have her again on proving its property and paying charges. Philip Miller.’

Hopefully Mr. Miller and his estranged strange red cow reunited post-ad.

To read the full interview Bader gave on NPR take a peek here.

The tradition of classifieds thrives even today, accessible now in new mediums. The Thrifty Nickel Want Ads website provides a quick, easy and efficient classifieds service for its clients. It also establishes a gigantic base of potential purveyors for client’s wares– The ENTIRE Internet!

With the advent of websites like the American Classifieds, advertising has never been more easy or accessible.

Head over there, if only for anthropological research. See a cross-section of businesses and wares in the Permian Basin community! Trucks to Antiques! Health Care to Welding, all manner and breadth of services are covered through the Thrifty Nickel online!

If you happen to prefer a more traditional method of advertising, American Classifieds also prints their want ads, a la 1704.

You can mail your ad into, or go visit:

2611 N. Golder, Odessa TX, 79761

or phone:

Odessa Office: (432)333-4184

Midland Office: (432)580-7777

Classifieds make the world go round!

*title image from