We Hope You Have A Wonderful Wednesday!

Odessa/Midland Thrifty Nickel PlumbingPipeHC0709 copy

Yesterday our nifty and informative Facebook page was exploding! Not the kind of situation where your computer monitor lets out a puff of smoke and stops working, but the type of situation where the notifications just keep coming. Since last night we’ve gained over 200 new ‘Likes’ on our page! Let me be the first to say – That is amazing and thank you to each and every one of our fans and readers! Remember to head on over and ‘Like’ our page if you haven’t before and to keep reading!

This Saturday get ready for the best Farm Auction in all the land taking place in Stamford Texas! This auction will be starting promptly at 8:58am on Saturday October 5th. There will be a lot of amazing items up for auction including – Tractors, Trailers, Cotton Equipment, Hay Equipment, Vehicles, Trucks, Mowing Equipment, Welders, Heavy Equipment, Name Brand Hand Tools and Shop Equipment, Metal Building, Asst. Steel Products, and Much More! To see pictures and listings check out their website www.knowlesauctionservice.com. Don’t miss out on the Wade Implement Fall Sale this weekend, located at 13997 US Highway 277 North in Stamford.

Nothing is worse then having a toilet or water heater in your home go out of commission. Well instead of trying to avoid using the restroom, just get it fixed! There are plenty of quality plumbers in the Permian Basin that can help with all of your plumbing needs. They know that the best place to be seen when a customer is in urgent need of a plumber is in Thrifty Nickel’s Business & Service Directory. So take a look and remember to give these professionals a call when you’re in a jam!

–       TRINITY SERVICES Providing all Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Services from water heaters to all repairs. Specializing in slab leaks, new fixture installs, water line repipe & sewer drain cleaning. Serving Midland, Odessa area. M-37516, TACLA37577E. 432-530-3782

–       PLUMBING PROS All types of plumbing, residential & commercial. Free Estimates. Over 15 years experience in the Permian Basin. M#40163. 432-363-4566.

–       CACTUS PLUMBING. M-12106. Nick Reyes. Service calls, remodels, residential and light commercial plumbing. Call for your free estimate 432-222-4491.

–       CACTUS PLUMBING Water, sewer, gas line replacement. Specialize in mobile home hookups. Free estimates. Lic#12106. 432-272-1576, 432-208-6105. Fax 432-272-1308.

Advertise or find your perfect services with us at OurThriftyNickel.com.  It really couldn’t be easier. Head over, sign up for an account and then place an ad! Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Try it out! $5.75 for the first ten words, .40 cents per each additional word. One picture free with each ad!  Because we love our customers, right now when you purchase two weeks we will offer you a 3rd week at no charge!

For those who prefer a human touch for your business interactions, then feel free to call in and place an ad. Our helpful and friendly staff are available starting at 8:15 every day of the week. On Mondays our phone transactions and business locations shut down at 6:15 PM, Tuesdays till 7:15, Wednesdays till 6:00 PM, Thursdays till 5:00, and Fridays till 12:15 PM.

For the Odessa office place your calls to: (432) 333-4184

For the Midland office dial: (432) 580-7777

If you’re already out on the town running errands, we’re conveniently located at 2611 N. Golder, Odessa TX, 79761. That address works for all your mail-in ads as well! We also have newspaper stands in most of your local stores, including all the 7-11’s in Odessa and Midland! If we don’t have a stand in your favorite store, call us and we’ll get one there, just for you!

Utilize the Thrifty Nickel Classifieds, serving the Permian Basin for over thirty years, reaching over one hundred thousand households!