Make Sure To Have Some Fun This Weekend!

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The Permian Panthers football team is off this week as they rest up and prepare to face Midland Lee at Grande Stadium on October 10th. So be sure to go check out what’s going to be a very competitive first district game of the season for the Panthers. You might even notice a beautiful Thrifty Nickel advertisement inside Grande Stadium!

Are you looking for some good stuff at an affordable price? Well then take a look at all of the amazing garage sales going on around you this weekend. Quit overpaying for store bought merchandise and save yourself some money at a local garage sale! Here are just a couple of the seer deals we’ve highlighted for you this week:

  • GARAGE SALE by Progressive Study Club at 803 East 5th Street. Thursday and Friday, October 2nd & 3rd 8:00 a.m. – 4 p.m. Many items, new MOJO TV trays, some school uniforms, treadmill, furniture and much more. Come and help us raise money for our nursing scholarship.
  • Beautiful queen brass bed. Triple dresser with mirror, couch and love seat. Dining room table, 4 chairs. Many miscellaneous items. All good condition. Thursday and Friday 11.30 till. Saturday 10.30 till.
  • 5336 HANNAH Dr. Friday 8- 5, Saturday 8- 12. Household goods, dishes, what nots, lots of crochet thread, medical equipment, nice womens clothes size 14 & 16, nice shoes, miscellaneous items. Nice new hospital bed, $4,800 firm. Lift chair $600 firm.
  • LOTS OF Girl stuff and guy stuff. 3227 N. Flamingo Ave., Odessa. Saturday, 8 a.m.- 2 p.m.
  • BIG SALE 5715 N. Dixie. Thursday- Sunday 8:30 a.m.- 7 p.m. Attention: Deer Hunters we have freezers. Lots of glassware half off. Joe 432-530-7735.
  • 2 FAMILY garage sale, tons of girls and adults clothes and shoes, furniture, small appliances and toys. Saturday 7 a.m. 5514 Los Patios.
  • 3011 MOSS Ave. Saturday October 4th, 8- 2. (East off of Midkiff, one block north of Haynes). 2 family sale. Womens and mens clothing, general housewares, holiday decor, house doors, wood and glass table top, vintage glassware. Cash only.
  • MOVING SALE 3410 South County Road 1204, South Midland. Table saw, tools, tool cabinets, miscellaneous household and books. Friday noon till Sunday noon. 432-559-1289.

Advertise or find your perfect services with us at It really couldn’t be easier. Head over, sign up for an account and then place an ad! Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Try it out! $5.75 for the first ten words, .40 cents per each additional word. One picture free with each ad! For those who prefer a human touch for your business interactions, then feel free to call in and place an ad. Our helpful and friendly staff are available starting at 8:00 every day of the week. On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday our phone transactions and business locations shut down at 5:00 PM, Tuesdays till 6:00, and Fridays till 2:00 PM.

For the Odessa office place your calls to: (432) 333-4184

For the Midland office dial: (432) 580-7777

If you’re already out on the town running errands, we’re conveniently located at 2611 Golder Avenue, Odessa TX, 79761. That address works for all your mail-in ads as well! We also have newspaper stands in most of your local stores, including all the 7-Eleven stores in Odessa and Midland! You can also find Thrifty Nickel at Supermercado in Midland, El Rancho in Odessa, H-E-B, Stripes, and Albertsons!

If we don’t have a stand in your favorite store, call us and we’ll get one there, just for you!

Utilize the Thrifty Nickel Classifieds, serving the Permian Basin for over thirty years, reaching over one hundred thousand households.

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