Perspective Is Everything!

“To think creatively, we must be able to look afresh at what we normally take for granted.” – George Kneller

I posted this quote on Thrifty Nickel’s  Facebook page earlier because it really spoke to me. As humans we can’t keep doing things the same old way if we ever want to achieve innovation. Humans and companies need to be constantly evolving in order to keep up with the everyone else. I think Thrifty Nickel has done very well in this regard over the past two years. We’ve rebuilt our website from the ground up to make online ads easier to place than ever! We’ve also grown our Facebook page and have obtained over 6,000 likes since the time I started. Not to mention we may be the only Thrifty Nickel paper in the country with its own dedicated blog! However we’ve only reached these heights thanks to the continued support of all our amazing fans who we really do appreciate!

A great paper simply can’t exist without the help of great sales representatives. The sales team at a Thrifty Nickel works their butts off everyday to make us the best paper we can be. So next time you see or talk to your representative, be sure to thank them for all the amazing work they do. We all work hard because that’s the only way to produce a weekly paper in the Permian Basin for over thirty years now! That’s why people trust Thrifty Nickel with their advertising needs, our paper just works!

Now lets look at the listings in our ‘Farm & Ranch’ section this week:

– ELITE 3 HORSE. LQ lined and insulated with working A/C, rear tack and mangers 2nd. & 3rd. stall with storage under escape door 1st. stall. 3 drop down feed doors on street side with 3 sliding bus windows on curb side. Lights in horse area, also load lights. This trailer is extremely low mileage.. $15,000.00 432-557-4051

– KUBOTA BX 2230, 3 cylinder diesel, 120 hours with 60” mowers and box blade 4 wheel drive, $9000 or best offer. 432-352-1092.

– HAY GRAZER round bales $75. New Crop Alfalfa square bales $12.00, round bales $120. Wheat $100. Stored inside. Northeast Midland. 432-664-9890, 432-425-6050.

– STALLS NOW Available @ Luna Rosa Stables. The finest care for your horse. Call Gary at 432-352-1673.

– GOT CORN!! R/C corn $7.00 50 lb. bag. (325)277-0727.

– FOR SALE Lots of Ducks and male pygmy goats. Gardendale. 432- 438-0285.

Advertise or find your perfect services with us at It really couldn’t be easier. Head over, sign up for an account and then place an ad! Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Try it out! $5.75 for the first ten words, .40 cents per each additional word. One picture free with each ad! Because we love our customers, right now when you purchase two weeks we will offer you a 3rd week at no charge!

For those who prefer a human touch for your business interactions, then feel free to call in and place an ad. Our helpful and friendly staff are available starting at 8:00 every day of the week. On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday our phone transactions and business locations shut down at 5:00 PM, Tuesdays till 6:00, and Fridays till 2:00 PM.

For the Odessa office place your calls to: (432) 333-4184

For the Midland office dial: (432) 580-7777

If you’re already out on the town running errands, we’re conveniently located at 2611 N. Golder, Odessa TX, 79761. That address works for all your mail-in ads as well! We also have newspaper stands in most of your local stores, including all the 7-11’s in Odessa and Midland! If we don’t have a stand in your favorite store, call us and we’ll get one there, just for you!

Utilize the Thrifty Nickel Classifieds, serving the Permian Basin for over thirty years, reaching over one hundred thousand households.

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