South Ector County Trade Days is coming to town Saturday! This great event is sponsored by the SECVFD and Auxiliary on the third Saturday of every month. Saturday’s event is being held at Wilsons Corner 16514 S Highway 385 in Odessa. There are still booth rentals available starting at the low price of $10. To rent a booth call or text (432) 559-2747 or (432) 202-0577!
Looking for the best Garage Sales in the Permian Basin this weekend? Well Thrifty Nickel has you covered! Check out some of these awesome sales for yourself and we’ll let you say thanks later!
- ATTENTION HUGE Backyard sale 2400 Eastover. Friday 16th, Saturday 17th, 8am till ?. Some furniture, household items, toys, huge selection of ladies, mens and childrens clothing. Baby items, Dooney and Bourke purse, Harlequin paper back’s, books. Too much to list.
- BACK YARD Sale Misc. some furniture, Computers, exercise machines, Reynoza and Hendley. 432-880-3230.
- GARAGE SALE 2025 West 9th. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Small tools, a few old items, lots of small items, and lots more. 79763. 432-332-9906.
- GIANT GARAGE Sale. 3525 W. 16th. Friday- Saturday 9 am- 5 pm. Concession trailer, clothes racks, lots of new clothes, home decor and miscellaneous. 3 portable air conditioners. A building full of stuff.
- MOVING SALE. Furniture, decor, rugs, new/barely used baby items, trendy clothing, designer purses, etc. Friday 5/23 & Saturday 5/24 8:00 am-3:00 pm. 3306 Deering Dr., Odessa. *Please do not park in neighbor’s driveway.
- ONE TIME Three family garage sale 17th and 18th, Collectable Avon bottles, ceramic dolls, Furniture, declarations, and lots more. 13319 W County Rd 123, Odessa.
- FOR SALE Use stuff for garage sale or thrifty store over $3000 will sale it for $500. Call 432-894-5643.
Thrifty Nickel helps you reach many different people across the Permian Basin without spending a lot of money. But what about if your business wants to reach people all over the country without breaking the bank? Well then you need to check into Thrifty Nickel’s National Advertising Program! With a CVC audited circulation of 724,228 you can rest assured your business will be seen. Many different advertising options are available, both by region and all across the country. Our Texas region contains 21 different publications for only $185 a week (20 words or less). The Central U.S. region has 18 publications for $175 a week (20 words or less). The West Coast region of publications has 47 publications for $530 a week (20 words or less) Last but not least, the Thrifty Nickel Eastern U.S. region has 55 different publications for $800 a week (20 words or less). Now you can advertise your business or items in any of these locations. Call our office today for information (432) 333-4184 or (432) 580-7777. Display rates are available also, call for Jay Warren 432-333-4184.
Advertise or find your perfect services with us at It really couldn’t be easier. Head over, sign up for an account and then place an ad! Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Try it out! $5.75 for the first ten words, .40 cents per each additional word. One picture free with each ad! Because we love our customers, right now when you purchase two weeks we will offer you a 3rd week at no charge!
For those who prefer a human touch for your business interactions, then feel free to call in and place an ad. Our helpful and friendly staff are available starting at 8:00 every day of the week. On Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday our phone transactions and business locations shut down at 5:00 PM, Tuesdays till 6:00, and Fridays till 2:00 PM.
For the Odessa office place your calls to: (432) 333-4184
For the Midland office dial: (432) 580-7777
If you’re already out on the town running errands, we’re conveniently located at 2611 N. Golder, Odessa TX, 79761. That address works for all your mail-in ads as well! We also have newspaper stands in most of your local stores, including all the 7-11’s in Odessa and Midland! If we don’t have a stand in your favorite store, call us and we’ll get one there, just for you!
Utilize the Thrifty Nickel Classifieds, serving the Permian Basin for over thirty years, reaching over one hundred thousand households.